Wiring LV Thermostat Sidestream Sidearm Sidearm w/ Fileter & Manifold Side Arm Assembly Setting Aquastats Radiant In Floor Heat Radiant Flooring Manual Override Manifold Assembly Manifold Assembly 2 In Floor DHW Coils Heat Exchanger Garage Loop Forced Air w/ DHW Diverter DHW Exchanger BL-Series Control Panel Air Handler & In Floor Wood Boilers A wood boiler is a heating system that burns wood to generate hot water or steam for heating residential or commercial buildings. View Boilers Coal Boilers A coal boiler burns coal in order to generate heat, producing hot water or steam for heating applications in a residential or commercial setting. View Boilers Pellet Boilers A pellet boiler burns compressed wood pellets to generate heat for hot water or space heating in residential or commercial buildings. View Boilers