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A Wood Boiler for Your Modern Homestead

These days, the desire to go off-grid or partially off-grid and provide the home with energy efficient heating is ever-growing. As many of us choose to leave the suburbs and create a homestead closer to nature, the need for a more independent heating source continues to grow. Luckily, there is an answer for many Minnesota residents; wood boilers. Heating with wood is the best choice for the modern homestead, and it’s more convenient and cost effective than ever.

wood boilers

When compared to heating with propane or oil, burning wood in a highly efficient Portage & Main Wood Boiler can reduce your heating costs greatly, and much more if you harvest your own fuel. And, these aren’t the wood boilers of yester-year; wood boilers have come a long way over the years. At Strawbale Farms, our many years of experience in the renewable energy industry have given us the ability to know efficiency results when we see them. And, it is our pleasure to offer the most innovative line of wood boilers on the market today.

An outdoor wood boiler is a straightforward way to heat your home or business. Keep it burning and keep things warm. You only need to manually feed your boiler once a day or even every couple of days. And, you don’t need to rely on “the grid” for your home’s heat.

So, this summer, complete your homestead with a wood boiler and have it up and running before autumn hits. Having heat during the winter months is not an option but a requirement for obvious reasons and the warmth of wood boilers is a natural fit for off-grid heat. Wood is inexpensive, readily available, and a green, renewable fuel. Wood boilers make some of the best options in home heating since they are highly efficient, clean burning, safe and convenient to use. But, it is also important to keep in mind that you must keep the heat in once you’ve made it. Proper insulation is essential to avoid the loss of heat.

Outdoor wood boilers take up zero living space and are extremely cost-effective. Our Portage & Main Boilers are known as the “Original Efficient One” and are the most efficient wood boilers in the industry. And, since these units are placed outdoors, there is less concern regarding fire and smoke hazards.

If you would like more information about wood boilers for your home or business, call Strawbale Farms at 715-214-6683 or Contact Us today! We would love to speak with you and help you find the right product for your needs.